The Evolution of Beekeeping and Honey
Beekeeping, also known as apiculture, is an ancient practice that has evolved significa...
Keeping Honeybees is not an easy job!!!
Going into hives even on those hot and humid days to check on the health and strength of the colony is extreamly important.
Beehive Air Treatment
By inhaling a warm beehive air, through a special breathing mask, we consume these precious substances, which have a medicinal effect on a series of conditions. Apitherapy, in a natural way, helps us to overcome many problems and is also more than perfect for athletes, children and the elderly…
Apitherapy is an Alternative Therapy
Today we share a fascinating article from Medical News Today about the benefits of apitherapy as an alternative medical treatment.
40 Facts about Queen Bees
Welcome to a captivating compilation of 40 fascinating facts about queen bees! We invite you on a journey through the buzzing hive, as we shed light on the remarkable life and role of the queen bee.